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EnviRN News – July 7, 2017 – Sattler Conference EPA Op-Ed Air Water Donate

ANHE Perspectives – Barbara Sattler – Competencies

The development of new competencies has been the driver for creating a number of supportive tools on environmental health and nursing…..More

ANHE Climate Conference

The conference was a rousing success. More about the conference at conference, more about the climate change and health nursing consortium at consortium, some good stuff on the ANHE climate change page at climate, the call to action by Anderko, Schenk, Huffling, and Chalupka at call to action, and thank you for patiently wading through this too long paragraph and clicking through those links. Now see the ANHE climate change committee we would  really like you to be interested in at committee.


Can anyone keep up with the carnage coming out of EPA these days? A few weeks ago we are amazed at 23 rules rolled back, see 23, and now more that 30, see 30. Looking at this mess and because it is summer blockbuster time I can feel Brody looking over my shoulder and whispering “You’re going to need a bigger boat.”


Thank you Katie Huffling for referring us to this Op-Ed on climate change. Get out your pen and write something personal. More at OP-Ed. When your Op-Ed is personal the reader really knows you grok the issue. OK – it is Robert Heinlein’s birthday and had to get that in somewhere.

Air Pollution

The New England Journal of Medicine published a nice piece on air pollution at Air Pollution. If you don’t have access to the full article see the video summary link on that page. Full Disclosure – I am embarrassed that I credit myself with “reading” something when actually I watch or listen.


For your presentations and as part of our continuing series of – don’t go near the water – a few maps. Coastal. Tap Water. Surface Water. Let us know of other maps you would like us to share. In the meantime know that ANHE is working for you on water issues. ANHE Water.


If you are like me, you get many emails each day from great organizations that provide content AND ask for a donation in each email. We don’t do that, though maybe we should. Anyway – this month we are asking you to step up and donate to ANHE. ANHE is your nursing organization that works for you on environmental issues. Keep it going, go to Donate.


APHA annual conference – November 4-8, 2017
APHN annual conference – April 2018?
Clean Med – May 7-9, 2018
ACHNE annual conference – June 2018?

Webinars and Courses

Course – Chemicals of Concern – Six Classes
Webinar – EPA Rules and Children – Archived
Webinar – Mental Health and Climate – Archived

Other Dates

There are over 500,000 elected offices in the United States. It is not too early to mark your calendars, contact those you support, and file to run yourself.

Big dates: 11/6/2018 and 11/3/2020.

ANHE Website is Live

The new ANHE website is live. Please look it over. Go to ANHE. Let us know what you think. The full spectrum of positive to negative feedback is welcome.

ANHE Workgroups

ANHE has a number of workgroups. Education, Practice, Research, Policy, and Climate. If you are interested in one of them, send me a note and I will forward it to the group leader, I am at (

Be Well!

Tom Engle
Newsletter Ed.