Nurses and other health professionals around the world are invited to take the CHANT: Climate, Health and Nursing Tool each year. CHANT 2022 is now available.
The Climate, Health, and Nursing Tool (CHANT) is a 10-minute survey asking respondents about awareness, motivation, and behaviors related to climate change and health. The items were developed in 2017 based on interviews with numerous content experts. It was psychometrically analyzed in 2018. Results from the first year (2019) are in analysis and will be shared later in 2020. In addition, starting with the 2020 version, the survey is now open to all health professionals.
The survey is open continuously, and results will be analyzed regularly to learn how respondents’ perceptions and behaviors are changing over time. The survey is anonymous and voluntary. It is available for nurses and other health professionals in any part of the nation or world. We ask that each of you take the survey annually, and please share with others.
A word to faculty, researchers and graduate students:
It is possible to use the tool in studies, projects, or capstones. A specific testing episode code can be assigned to participants in your study. Their responses can be downloaded and sent to you for analysis. If interested, please contact Dr. Beth Schenk at