Thank you for joining us for the first presentation in our Green Bag Lunch – Green Tea Webinar Series. Nurses are eligible to receive 1 hour of nursing continuing education credit after watching the full webinar and completing the post-test and evaluation (you must achieve an 80% or higher on the post-test to receive the credit).
After viewing the webinar, participants will be able to:
- Describe the challenges to healthy ecosystems with current agriculture practices
- Describe farming in nature’s image and how it related to human health
- Explore strategies for vulnerable populations to make more sustainable food choices
- Describe current research to illuminate the connection between soil health and human health
The post-test and evaluation can be accessed here.
Click on the photo below to access the webinar or at this link.
This course is approved by the California Board of Registered Nurses, Provider Number CEP17198 for 1 contact hour.