Featured Webinars
The Research Forum host webinars in which nurse researchers share their envirnometnal heatlh reseach. View our featured webinars below: 1) Dr. Jessica Castner, PhD, RN-BC, FAEN, FAAN, 2) Dr. Roxana Chicas, PhD, RN: Work Health Status of Latinx Agricultural Workers in Florida and 3) Dr. Julie Postma, PhD, RN: Promoting Risk Reduction Among Young Adults with Asthma During Wildfire Smoke Events. You can also view past webinars on ANHE YouTube channel.
Research Forum Co-Chairs

Lisa M. Thompson
Dr. Thompson, PhD, RN, FNP, FAAN is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing at Emory University and affiliated faculty in the Department of Environmental Health in the Rollins School of Public Health. She is the Director of Graduate Studies for the PhD program in nursing. She is a member of the Network for Evaluation and Implementation Sciences at Emory University (NEISE). She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nurses. Dr. Thompson’s research focuses on environmental health disparities that contribute to adverse perinatal outcomes, specifically low birth weight, preterm birth, child stunting and cognitive development. Her contribution to nursing research is in global environmental health, specifically developing and evaluating interventions to reduce exposures to household air pollution from cooking fires in low-resource countries.

Liz Mizelle
Elizabeth (Liz) Mizelle, PhD, RN-BC, CNE is an Assistant Professor in the College of Nursing at East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina (NC). She graduated with a PhD in 2021 and her dissertation research was a community-informed mixed methods study on environmental heat stress, fluid intake and hydration status among eastern NC farmworkers. Liz is building a research program focused on the negative health effects of extreme weather on coastal, rural, and agricultural communities. She is an AgriSafe Nurse Scholar and a Daisy Faculty Award recipient.